
Scroll down to view Pack 1280 news.  You can also follow us on Facebook! Our Facebook page has more news items along with additional photos.  For announcements and information about upcoming events, please see the Pack home page and calendar. 

Popcorn Fundraiser

(15 September 2024)

Scouts have done an AMAZING job with our Popcorn Fundraiser! We have already surpassed our $20,000 goal! Big thank you to Popcorn Kernels Christie and Nada. Keep up the great work Pack 1280! Check out our Popcorn Page!

September Pack Meeting

(13 September 2024)

Pack 1280 had a fun-filled pack meeting! Scouts participated in Rain Gutter Regatta. Each scout built a boat out of pool noodles, paper, skewers, and plastic. After testing it in the water, scouts could redesign to improve the stability and speed of their boat!

Meadowside Nature Hike

(3 August 2024)

Pack 1280 had a great hike this morning at Meadowside Nature Center! It was pick your own adventure! Some scouts chose the sunny route and other scouts chose the shady route. Scouts also saw a lake and got to visit the birds of prey.

Annual Boating Trip

(14 July 2024)

Pack 1280 had an adventurous annual boating trip with a total of about 15 boats. There was a capsized boat and a turtle rescue! What a fun and eventful day for scouts and families!

Flag Ceremony at Big Train Baseball Game

(30 June 2024)

It was a hot and humid morning, but Pack 1280 scouts did a terrific job leading the flag ceremony at the Big Train Baseball Game in Bethesda. Way to go Scouts!

Spring Campout

(4 May 2024)

Scouts had an amazing Spring Campout at Little Bennett! Even though it was rainy and cold, scouts participated in knot tying, drone flying, shelter making, hiking, bracelet making, and soap whittling. Pack 1280 is always ready for adventure! 

DC United Game

(13 April 2024)

Pack 1280 scouts went to a DC United game together! What a terrific time for the scouts and families!

MD Science Center Sleepover

(16 March 2024)

Scouts had a terrific time exploring the Maryland Science Center! They did a science experiment, watched a theater show, planetarium show, and IMAX movie!

March Hike at Great Falls

(10 March 2024)

Scouts completed a 1.3 mile loop in the wooded area near Anglers in the Great Falls Hiking Area. 

Pinewood Derby

(9 March 2024)

Scouts did an awesome job designing and decorating their cars for the Pinewood Derby. On race day, scouts won trophies for the fastest cars in each den. What a terrific event for Pack 1280! 

Snowtubing Fun!

(20 January 2024)

Pack 1280 had a fabulous time snow tubing at Whitetail Resort. It was a great way to end a week of snow! 

Popcorn Celebration!

(9 December 2023)

Scouts did an amazing job selling popcorn this fall! We surpassed last year's total by almost $2000! We celebrated with a pie contest and inflatables!

Rachel Carson Park Hike

(18 November 2023)

Scouts had a terrific hike at Rachel Carson Conservation Park. The weather was perfect! 

Campout at Little Bennett

(28 October 2023)

Pack 1280 had an awesome campout this year at Little Bennett Regional Park. Scouts went hiking and performed skits. The Webelos den cooked dinner for the entire pack! 

Flag Retirement Ceremony

(21 October 2023)

Scouts participated in a Flag Retirement Ceremony at the October Pack meeting. Scouts retired flags that were flown over various buildings in DC.

Planetarium Visit

(15 October 2023)

Scouts attended the Rock Creek Park Planetarium show as part of the Nova Awards requirements. Scouts learned about some spooky things in outer space including the Pleiades star cluster and the Ghost of Jupiter. 

3rd Summer Hike at Swains Lock 

(13 August 2023)

Pack 1280 had a great hike on the C&O Canal at Swains Lock. Scouts did a great job even with the heat. 

Annual Boating at Black Hill 

(22 July 2023)

Pack 1280 had an awesome time boating at Black Hill Regional Park! Scouts used canoes, kayaks, and paddle boats.

2nd Summer Hike on Billy Goat

(8 July 2023)

Pack 1280 had a terrific summer hike #2 (Billy Goat Trail C) this past Saturday! The kids did fantastic despite the more challenging terrain. Irene D. as an AoL did a great job leading the younger kids!

1st Summer Hike on Father's Day!

(18 June 2023)

Pack 1280 completed it's first hike of the summer series on Father's Day!  We did the 1.75 mile Milkhouse Ford Hike (Fort DeRussy) in Rock Creek Park.

May Pack Meeting

(19 May 2023)

At our May Pack Meeting, dens made their own Space Telescopes. Who knows, maybe NASA will keep one! Speaking of NASA, we had on hand a lead engineer from NASA who helped build the WEBB Telescope. He shared insights about the process and assisted us with building our telescopes.

Out of This World at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(6 February 2023)

Fourteen Cub Scouts in Pack 1280 discovered the wonders of space exploration, enjoyed a special behind-the-scenes tour of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and earned their “Out of This World” Nova Award. Read this featured article about our pack on We Own Adventure!

A Scout Is Helpful

(27 November 2022)

Thank you to all of the Pack 1280 families who brought new pairs of socks to the November pack meeting and participated in our annual Sock War.  As part of this month's theme of "A Scout is Helpful," after the meeting, the pack donated a giant box of new socks to Interfaith Works.  Socks are often the item of clothing most requested by people experiencing homelessness.  

Scouting for Food

(24 November 2022)

Pack 1280 Cub Scouts collected more than 1,500 pounds of food for Manna Food Center and more than $450 in cash donations this year for #scoutingforfood.  A huge thanks to our friends at the Montrose Giant Food and the shoppers who donated to our food drive.  Each November, Scouts participate in Scouting for Food to help members of our communities who are experiencing food insecurity.

World Conservation Plogging Hike

(5 November 2022)

What a beautiful fall day for a hike!  Pack 1280 families walked along the historic C&O Canal Gold Mine Loop and helped others leave no trace by "plogging" (picking up trash) as they went. This pack conservation project is one component of this year's work on Scouting's World Conservation Award.  

July Hike at Monacacy National Battlefield

(17 July 2022)

Awesome morning last Sunday at Monacacy National Battlefield for our July hike. Scouts who attended learned about the history and importance of the site from the ranger before hiking the new double loop trail. See more pics on our Facebook Page.   

Summer Camp 2022!

(June 26 - July 3  2022)

Wow! Pack 1280 Scouts who made it to Camp Ross at Goshen Scout Reservation this year had a blast! This one week sleepover camp is an affordable, fun way for Scouts to work on skills with their den leaders and pack mates while meeting National Capital Area Council, BSA Scouts from other packs in the region. #RossIsBoss See more pics on our Facebook Page

Pack 1280 Marches in Memorial Day Parade

(30 May 2022)

Pack 1280 honored our service men and women by marching in the Rockville Memorial Day Parade this year! The event was broadcast on the local television channel. 

Pack 1280 Scouts Complete the Up & Away NOVA Award

(April 2022)

Congratulations to our Spring 2022 NOVA participants who earned the Up & Away NOVA. Scouts learned about fluid dynamics by experiencing indoor skydiving, calculating terminal velocity, and experimenting on objects dropped in a bucket of corn syrup. Cub Scout's NOVA program is designed to allow Scouts to "explore the basic principles of STEM and discover how fun and fascinating STEM can be. " Pack 1280 sponsors several Awards each year for Scouts to work on.

Pinewood Derby 2022!

(March 2022)

It was a snowy Saturday March 12th, 2022 that saw the Pack deftly pivoting to push back the Derby by a few hours to allow the storm to pass. Families worked together to make sure everyone got wind of the change and the event went off that afternoon without a hitch!  Congratulations to all of our Scouts and Outlaw participants. More than 90% of Pack 1280 Scouts participated! Some of the races were decided by 1/100th of a second!  Folks, you can't get closer than that! 

Webelos Attend Klondike Derby

(26 February 2022)

It was a beautiful day for the Klondike Derby as four of our Webelos participated with other area Scouts. The day started off with lunch and hot cocoa hosted by local Troops. Webelos could check in with their former pack mates and gather information to help them decide which Troop to join after crossing out of the Pack. Scouts then participated in the Webelos games and tested their skills navigating several field challenges. They closed out the day with a little geocaching - by locating three caches in the campground.

Pack Celebrates Presidents’ Day With Historic Hike

(20 February 2022)

In celebration of President's day, a few determined members of Cub Scout Pack 1280 braved the chilly temperatures to hike up to the original Washington Monument in Middletown, Maryland about an hour away. After hiking to the summit, Scouts climbed the interior of the monument, did a little geocaching, saw artifacts from a Civil War battlefield, and took in the views from the Appalachian Trail.

New Website Launch!

(22 August 2021)

Pack 1280 is pleased to announce the launch of our new Website! We hope you enjoy this informative, mobile friendly site.

Pack 1280 Featured in We Own Adventure!

(28 April 2021) 

Pack 1280 Townes Supernova Ceremony

Great article about our eight amazing Webelos Scouts who earned the Dr. Charles H. Townes Supernova Award.